Archived JAN Webinars and Webcasts li a {
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Ergonomics for Teleworkers
Presented: 03/01/2022
(Original webcast in December 2020, updated March 2022) Whether you provide telework as a benefit of employment or approve it as a form of accommodation, the way we work at home is often vastly different than working at the worksite. As COVID-19 has disrupted most of the world’s workplace environments, it’s important that we pay attention to our home work physical environment. Participants will gain knowledge about principles of universal design and practical strategies to make your physical environment more productive and safer. Topics such as environmental aspects, controls and…
Remote Monthly Series Training |
ADA and Accommodation Lessons Learned: Stay at Work/Return to Work Edition
Presented: 02/10/2022
Stay at Work/Return to Work (SAW/RTW) initiatives are designed to retain valued employees and enhance productivity. These initiatives can include temporary or permanent job accommodations such as modified scheduling, job restructuring, transitional work, and reassignment. Various employment laws can interplay when navigating SAW/RTW situations, making it challenging for employers to know best business practices. [...]