Agile & Accessibility |

Agile & Accessibility

Written on September 28, 2011

Agile software development is a group of software development methodologies based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development and delivery; time boxed iterative approach and encourages rapid and flexible response to change. It is a conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout the development cycle. Wikipedia

Among the many criticisms levied against Waterfall software development is the promotion of the Big Design Up Front (BDUF) concept whereby all possible features of the final system including its design and operation are intended to be planned out in detail prior to any code being written. Proponents of the waterfall method approach each step of a project from planning to requirements then to design, development, and implementation in linear fashion. In such an approach, each step must be completed before the next step can be begun. Persons who are big proponents of planning appreciate the fact that the waterfall method plans everything explicitly along the entire lifecycle from planning to market.

Proponents of accessibility see natural locations in which to integrate accessibility into the Waterfall approach. In the planning & requirements stages, specific accessibility [...]

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