Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group

The mission of the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group (ARIA WG) is to develop technologies that enhance accessibility of web content for people with disabilities. This includes continued development of the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) suite of technologies and other technical specifications when needed to bridge known gaps.


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Current Work

The Working Group has established a road map for upcoming work. This road map is executed via publications and status, which include:

  • WAI-ARIA 1.1,
  • WAI-ARIA 1.1 modules for Digital Publishing and Graphics,
  • Accessibility API Mappings for ARIA, Digital Publishing, HTML, and SVG, and
  • WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.

The ARIA Project Plan details intended timeline and milestones for this work and proceeds according to the ARIA Working Group Work Flow.

Task Forces

The ARIA WG uses task forces to focus work on specific projects. Current task forces include:

  • ARIA Authoring Practices sub-group: focuses on ARIA Authoring Practices.
  • CSS Accessibility Task Force; focuses on accessibility of CSS, ARIA role is to explore ARIA and accessibility API mapping features.

How to Comment, Contribute, and Participate

The ARIA Working Group engages with stakeholders in a variety of ways. See the following resources for information on:

  • How to contribute to the Working Group, file comments, and contribute [...]

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