Accessible Pedestrian Signal Settlements – Law Office of Lainey Feingold

Accessible Pedestrian Signal Settlements

San Francisco APS Agreement

Posted on May 16, 2007

The Settlement Agreement about Accessible Pedestrian Signals with the City and County of San Francisco was the first in the country to address this critical pedestrian safety issue. The agreement, in which the City agreed to spend at least 1.6 million dollars and install APS at at least 80 intersections, was negotiated by Lainey and co-counsel Linda Dardarian using Structured Negotiations. Claimants in the case were the California Council of the Blind, the San Francisco based LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco, and blind advocate Damien Pickering. As exhibits to the Settlement Agreement, the parties negotiated Technical Specifications and a detailed tool to help public entities prioritize intersections for APS installation. Contact us if you would like a copy of the tool.
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