Accessibility is Delicious: Food analogies for digital inclusion

For many years, I (and many others) have said that organizations need to “bake” accessibility into their culture and DNA. Then, a few years ago I noticed a lot of food analogies popping up in accessibility talks and writings and on Twitter.

In 2018 I did a presentation where my co-presenter and I offered real cookies to the audience. Later that same year I arranged for cookies to be baked in New Zealand for an accessibility talk there. [You’ll find an image of those ingredient-packed cookies at the top of this post. The accessibility cookie ‘recipe’ is the next-to-last food analogy below.]

As the collection of food analogies in this post shows, stories about food are useful in explaining core (apple core?) principles of digital accessibility and inclusion. And food tidbits are fun and memorable, two things that make for a great story.

And a great story can help raise accessibility awareness and spread (like marmalade!) accessibility goodness.

Yes we need to keep talking and writing about civil rights, WCAG standards, the science of color contrast, the pitfalls of ARIA, and inclusive design principles. But for myself, I’m going to try to serve up those ideas with the blueberry muffins and [...]

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