Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

The mission of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group is to develop specifications to support making implementations of web technologies accessible for people with disabilities, and to develop and maintain implementation support materials.


No announcements at the moment.

Current Work

The Working Group maintains a comprehensive list of publications, which include:

  • WCAG 2.1,
  • Understanding WCAG 2.0,
  • WCAG 2.0 Techniques
  • Errata for WCAG 2.0, and
  • Accessibility Guidelines 3.0 (“Silver”).

The Project Plan details intended timeline and milestones for this work. A list of publications on the W3C Technical Reports page includes completed deliverables that are no longer worked on by the Working Group.

Task Forces

The AG WG uses task forces to focus work on specific projects. Task Forces are described on the related page.

How to Comment, Contribute, and Participate

The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group engages with stakeholders in a variety of ways. See the following resources for information on:

  • How to contribute to the Working Group and file comments;
  • How to contribute to the source repository directly;
  • How to participate in (join) the Working Group.

Meetings and Communication

The AG WG conducts its work using a variety of synchronous and asynchronous tools. The communication page provides details about:

  • Teleconferences of the Working Group and its task forces (also see meeting minutes);
  • Face to face meetings (also see [...]

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