Accessibility, Creation, Community: An interview with Cheryl Green | Medical Humanities

Accessibility, Creation, Community: An interview with Cheryl Green

Posted on November 19, 2020 by Brandy Schillace

What would it mean if, instead of being “add-ons,” accessibility tools like captions and transcripts were built into a project from the ground up? What if instead of thinking about accessibility as “mere” additions only, we realized their incredible creative power? Listen to an interview between EIC Brandy Schillace and the intrepid Cheryl Green.

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Cheryl Green is a captioner, audio describer, freelance audio and video producer with acquired invisible disabilities that inform all of her work around making media equitable and accessible. In this episode, she joins Brandy Schillace (EIC) to answer a few questions: What would it mean if, instead of being “add-ons,” tools like captions and transcripts were built into a project from the ground up? What if instead of thinking about accessibility as technical additions only, we realized their incredible creative power? Questioning binaries of “abled” and “disabled” (much like questioning the binary of patient/doctor) reveals that there are no neat divisions. Inclusivity must be built into the very structure of our projects, and when this is accomplished, the result is collaborative community creation.

More from Cheryl Green: (podcast episode on transcripts [...]

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