Provide a mechanism allowing users to extend the default time limit
Make sure users can extend the default time limit through a scripted mechanism
Users with various disabilities may have difficulties successfully going through a transactional process when the site imposes time limits or session timeouts. One of the founding principles in accessibility is making certain that users, regardless of their abilities, the speed at which they can complete a task, or the difficulties they may encounter while completing that task, are never cut off because the system sets a time limit that is lower than the time these users would require to complete that task. In order to avoid such scenarios, authors need to provide a mechanism that allows users to extend the time limit whenever necessary.
To do so, simply make sure that users have control over the time limit or session timeout set. For obvious security reasons, setting time limits is important, and sessions should come to an end if the user suddenly leaves his or her computer. But if users are still active and just require more time, they should never be cut out because they could not complete their task within a specifically determined time frame. Requesting a [...]