The Accessibility Tips
Simple tips on making web content more accessible to all
The tips presented in these pages are a collection of quick, pragmatic accessibility recommendations to make web content more usable to all users, regardless of disabilities, aging, or technology used to navigate the web. Developed so they can be easily consumed as bite-sized pieces of information, these tips are written with conciseness and brevity in mind, to help stakeholders tackle web accessibility challenges efficiently, without getting caught up in all the technical details.
Each tip is designed to look at an accessibility issue from a specific angle and provide ways to understand what the problem is, how it can be avoided and how to test for it in a development setting.
Each tip is organized as its own datasheet, so it can be referenced directly in the context of web accessibility assessments, as a way to provide complementary information about a specific problem. These datasheets explain what the issues are, how to get it right, display a simple code example whenever appropriate, a proposed testing methodology using freely available tools as well as specification details to dig even further, based on the existing W3C documentation.
The Accessibility Tools
Web Developer Toolbar
This extension [...]