A Parent’s Journey with Assistive Technology Part III: Strengthening Education Systems


An interview with Jessica Chambers. Blog submission by Anita Vermeer and Kim Hymes.

A Parent’s Journey with Assistive Technology: Strengthening Education Systems, is the final part of a three-part blog series told from one mother’s perspective about the joys and challenges she and her daughter have faced over the last 14 years.

In January 2024, OSEP together with the Office of Education Technology, published Assistive Technology Guidance to tackle some of the most common myths and misconceptions about assistive technology (AT).

What are some ways you think our education systems can improve the availability and effectiveness of AT for students like your daughter, Eva?

Jessica: As I mentioned earlier, Eva is a learner , and AT allows the world to know her thoughts, ideas and feelings. Integrating Eva’s AT needs, including her augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device, into teaching and learning sends a powerful message to Eva and her peers: Eva’s thoughts matter; her opinion is valued; and she belongs in her classroom, school, and community. I believe this is true for other students like Eva too.

Based on our family’s experience, I think there are many ways our education system can improve availability and effectiveness of AT:

  • Build awareness about AT. Educators and parents should know [...]

Read article at sites.ed.gov

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