4 things the Howe Innovation Center team learned at TechCrunch – Perkins School for the Blind

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4 things the Howe Innovation Center team learned at TechCrunch

The Howe Innovation team brought accessibility and inclusion to tech’s most cutting-edge conference. Here’s what they learned.

Written by:
Raquel Ronzone


The Howe Innovation Center’s recent presentation marked the first time, to our knowledge, that a disability-focused talk took the stage at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, one of the world’s largest startup conferences with an estimated 10,000 attendees.

To a standing room-only crowd, we unveiled our data-driven sector analysis and white paper “Defining DisabilityTech: The Rise of Inclusive Innovation,” which draws on analysis from McKinsey Research, defines DisabilityTech, and dives deep into the untapped social and economic potential of the DisabilityTech ecosystem.

That night, we hosted a packed networking event at Southside Spirit House to celebrate DisabilityTech and connect entrepreneurs, investors, and advocates.

Here’s what we learned from our time at TechCrunch:

There is demand for a DisabilityTech ecosystem

Our presentation drew 130+ attendees – a mix of entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and more, including many with diverse disabilities.

Several attendees remarked afterwards that this was exactly the [...]

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