10 Simple Things Writers Can Do To Improve Web Accessibility

Content Accessibility

Making web accessible content is not all down to technology and coding fixes. While the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) are your ultimate source for all things accessibility our poster will get you on the way.

10 Simple Things Writers Can Do To Improve Web Accessibility

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1. Give your content a unique title

Using a strong, unique and meaningful title that will clearly describe the purpose your content. This will not only assist screen readers, but also search engines.

2. Use headings to organise content

Make use of the heading structures in your content management system using the correct heading level and structure your content using meaningful headings.

3. Use plain English

Keep your language simple, at a high school reading level. If acronyms, jargon or technical language is required, provide plain English alternatives or a glossary.

4. Make your text easy to read

Choose left aligned text, rather than justified to improve readability and use the ordered lists provided in your content [...]

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